Epics Ilya Muromets Sadko read short. Heroes of epics. Russian bogatyrs. Sadko. Educational filmstrip

So Dobrynya went through eleven caves, and in the twelfth he found Zabava Putyatishna: the princess is hanging on a damp wall, chained by her hands with golden chains. Dobrynyushka tore off the chains, took the princess off the wall, took her in his arms, carried her out of the cave into the free light.

And she stands on her feet, staggers, closes her eyes from the light, does not look at Dobrynya. Dobrynya laid her down on the green grass, fed her, gave her drink, covered her with a raincoat, and lay down to rest.

So the sun went down towards evening, Dobrynya woke up, saddled Burushka and woke up the princess. Dobrynya sat on his horse, put Zabava in front of him and set off. And all around the people and counting, all Dobryna bow to the belt, thank for the salvation, in a hurry to their lands.

Dobrynya left for the yellow steppe, spurred his horse and took Zabava Putyatishna to Kiev.

Dobrynya Nikitich away

How much, how little time has passed, Dobrynya married the daughter of Mikula Selyaninovich - young Nastasya Mikulishna.

Only a year Dobrynya and his wife lived in a quiet house, Prince Vladimir once sent for him and said to him:

- Enough for you, Dobrynya, to sit at home, you need to rule the princely service. Go, clear a direct path to the Golden Horde to Beket Beketovich. An evil black raven flies on that path, preventing the Russian people from passing or driving. And then go to the White-eyed Chud, get a tribute from her for ten years, and return the way to the stubborn Saracen kingdom, so that the Saracens would not dare to go against Kiev.

Dobrynya was sad, but there is nothing to do.

He returned home, went to Mother Mamelfa Timofeevna and began to complain bitterly to her:

- Why did you give birth to me, mother, unfortunate? She would wrap me in a linen rag and throw me with a pebble in the blue sea. I would not lie at the bottom, would not travel to distant countries, would not kill people, would not grieve other people's mothers, would not orphan little children.

Mamelfa Timofeevna answers him:

- I would be glad, Dobrynyushka, to disfigure you with courage in Ilya Muromets, strength in Svyatogor the hero, cunning in Volga Vseslavievich, beauty in Joseph the Beautiful, but this is not in my hands. And you yourself are not bad, Dobrynyushka, there is no need for you to nod at someone else's happiness. What made you so sad?

- The prince sends me to foreign lands, to fight with the black raven, to put up with the Saracens, to take tribute with the White-eyed Chudi.

Mamelfa Timofeevna gasped and ran to the tower to Nastasya Mikulishna:

- Why are you sitting, Nastasia, sewing a shirt in gold? Trouble has come to our yard: our clear falcon flies off, Dobrynyushka leaves for many years.

Nastasya Mikulishna ran out of the tower in one white shirt without a belt, in thin stockings without chebots, fell to Dobrynyushka's stirrup, began to cry bitterly, asking:

- Where are you leaving, my falcon, for how long, when I expect my husband home?

- Expect me, wife, six years. And six years will pass and I will not return home, which means that I have laid down my wild head. Well, then how you want to live: even a widow, at least get married. If you want - go for a prince, for a boyar, if you want - go for a simple peasant, do not go only for Alyosha Popovich.

Dobrynya waved his hand and was like that. He did not go along the path, not the gate, but jumped over the city wall, only the dust in the steppe curled like a column ...

Day after day it rains like rain, week after week the grass grows, year after year the river runs.

Nastasya Mikulishna sits at the terem window, does not take her eyes off the road, she is waiting for her sweet husband.

Three years have passed - there is no Dobrynya from the open field.

And again the days go by, the weeks go by, the years go by ...

Nastasya Mikulishna cries, does not dry her eyes, does not leave the window.

Three more years have passed - there is no Dobrynya from the open field.

Not two gray ducks swim together, not two white swans flock, mother and wife sit embracing, shedding bitter tears. Suddenly, Alyoshenka Leontyevich comes to them and brings sad news:

- I was driving past the Safat River, I saw Dobrynya Nikitich. Dobrynya is lying in an open field, with his head in a bush bush, with his feet on the feather-grass. Through the yellow curls, the grass sprouted, azure flowers bloomed.

Mamelfa Timofeevna cried bitterly, her hair turned from black to silver. And Prince Vladimir began to persuade Nastasya Mikulishna:

- It's bad for a young widow to live, let me marry you, even for a prince, even for a boyar, even for a powerful Russian hero.

- I waited for Dobrynya on his order for six years, on my own I will wait another six years. But he will not be home, then - your will, prince.

Day after day it rains like rain, and year after year it flies like a falcon.

Another six years passed.

End of introductory snippet.

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But what about in the glorious Nové grad
And how was Sadko and the goose-goer from,
And how there was not a lot of uncountable gold treasury,
And as soon as he went to fair feasts,
He was in a hurry like a merchant, boyars,
He made fun of them at fair feasts.
And how is it that over Sadok, so it happened:
Sadok has not been called for the whole day, but a feast is honored,
And they do not call as another day for an honorable feast,
And as for the third day, they are not invited and a feast is honorable.
And how did Sadk get bored now,
And Sadko went to Ilmen to the lake,
And he sat on blue on a combustible stone,
And how he began to play gusli yarovchaty,
And I played from morning like day to night.
And in the evening as late
And the wave is already in the lake as it descended,
But how did the water and the sand get confused?
And Sadko was frightened at the top of the river, but he was sitting there.
Overcame as Sadka the fear of the great,
And Sadko went away from the lake,
And Sadko went as to the New City.
And again, how the dark night passed now,
And again, like the next day
And let the other not call him to a honorable feast,
And as for the third day, they are not invited to the honorable feast.
And how again Sadku was bored,
And Sadko went to Ilmen and he went to the lake,
And he sat down again on blue and on a combustible stone,
Ilmen's and he is by the lake.
And how he began to play the harp again in the spring,
And he played as from morning day to evening.
And as in the evening again as late
And the wave descended like in a lake,
And now, like water with sand, I have become embarrassed;
And again he was afraid of Sadko and Novgorod,
Sadka overcame as great fear now.
And when he went again as from Ilmen and from the lake,
And how he went to his and he to New town.
And how did it happen over him again?
Sadok is not called, but a feast is honorable,
And how, again, another day, Sadok is not called and a feast is honored,
And as for the third day, Sadok is not called and a feast is honorable.
And again Sadok is now bored,
And Sadko went to Ilmen and to the lake,
And how he sat on the blue combustible stone
yes about the lake, And how he began to play gusli in yarovchaty,
And how did he play again from morning to evening,
And the wave already descended as in the lake,
And whether the water with sand and confused;
And then he dared like Sadko and Novgorod,
And to sit and play like he on the lake.
And how did the water tsar come out from the lake,
And as the king of the water himself says, yes these are the words:
“Thank you, Sadko and Novgorod!
And you hurried us off to the top, and you are in the lake:
And I had it, like in a lake,
And how is my dining and feast honorable,
And how he amused everyone at my place and at an honest feast
And my dear guests.
And how I don’t know, Sadka, what a welcome to you:
And go, Sadko, and go to your own New Town;
And how tomorrow they will call you and have an honorable feast,
And how the merchant's canteen will have an honorable feast,
And how many there will be a merchant at the feast, many Novgorod ones;
And how will everyone be at the feast and napivatis,
Everyone will be at the feast and naedatis,
And how will all boast now and boast,
And who will be chim now and by the way,
And who will be what will now be praised:
And other how it will be boastful and an uncountable golden treasury,
And how another will brag about a good horse,
Others will boast of strength, good luck,
And another will brag young youth,
And how clever reasonable let it be good by the way
Old father, old mother,
And also a mad fool, if you please,
And he is like his young wife.
And you, Sadko, brag to:
“And I know that in Ilmen and in the lake
And what is natural is a fish - after all, golden feathers ”.
And how will the merchants and the rich
And let them argue with you,
And that there is no such fish
And why bother and gold, after all;
And you beat them with them on the pledge of the great ones;
Lay down your riot and head,
And how to unload them from them
And how are the benches in the row and in the living room
With expensive goods.
And then tie a net with silk,
Come and fish in Ilmen in the lake,
And throw three drowns in Ilmen and in the lake,
And I seem to be drowning, I'll give you a fish,
How golden feathers, after all.
And you will get benches in the row and in the living room
Since the goods are expensive.
And then you, merchant, will be Sadko, like Novgorod,
And you will be a rich merchant. "
And Sadko went to his own as well as to the New Town.
And how, after all, the next day
And how was Sadok called and a feast honored?
And to the merchant and the rich.
And how is there a lot of collecting
And to the merchant and a feast honored
And a merchant as rich Novgorod;
And how everyone was getting drunk at the feast now,
And all praised by boasting.
And who is bragging about how now,
And who can boast of what at the feast:
And another boast like an uncountable golden treasury,
And another boast and a good horse,
And other brags about strength, good luck;
And how smart he is, how he brags
And the old priest, the old mother,
And the mad fool is bragging about
And how you brag and how your young wife.
And Sadko is sitting, as if he does not boast of anything,
And Sadko is sitting, as if he does not boast of anything;
And how the rich merchants of Novgorod sit here,
And as they say to Sadk, these are the words:
“Well, Sadko, you are sitting, you are not bragging about anything,
What is nothing, Sadko, but you are not boasting? "
And Sadko says these are the words:
“Oh, you rich merchants of Novgorod
And what about me, Sadku, top it by the way,
How can I boast about something, Sadku?
But I don’t have a lot of uncountable gold treasury,
But I don’t have as a beautiful young wife,
And as for me, Sadku, there is only one thing and I feel good about it:
In Ilmen and like in the lake
And naturally the fish is like golden feathers ”.
And how are the rich merchants of Novgorod,
And they began to argue with him and ony:
To Ilmen and what's in the lake
But there is no fish such that
To have golden feathers, after all.
And as Sadko said in Novgorod:
"Duck I will lay my wild little head,
More pledges but I have nothing. "
And they say: “We will lay in the row and in the living room
Six merchants, six rich. "
And they laid it down like on a bench,
With dear and with goods.
And then after that A they tied a silk net,
And we went fishing as in Ilmen and as in the lake,
And they threw the sink into Ilmen, but in fact in the lake,
And the fish is already caught - after all, the feathers are golden;
And they threw my friend a drowning in Ilmen, but in fact in the lake,
And how they got another fish - the feathers are golden, after all;
And they threw the third sink into Ilmen, but in fact in the lake,
And how they got it like a fish - gold feathers, after all.
And now, as merchants and rich Novgorodians
And as they see, there is nothing to do,
And how it turned out correctly, as Sadko said to those from Novgorod,
And how they got away from the shops,
And in the row and in the living room,
And with dear, after all, with goods.
And how did he get Sadko and Novgorod,
And in the row in the living room
And six are already like shops with expensive goods,
And Sadko signed up as a merchant in Novgorod,
And how did Sadko become a rich merchant?
And how Sadko began to trade and toperichku, In his own way, he is in the city,
And how Sadko began to travel to trade and to all places,
And in other cities, yes he is in distant ones,
And how he began to receive profits and he was great.
And how is it here and after that
And he married like Sadko a merchant of Novgorod rich,
And how, Sadko, after that,
And how he built the white chambers,
And how did he, Sadko, but in his tents,
And how he did everything in the chambers, according to heavenly
And how the sun is baking in the sky and the sun is already red,
In his chambers there is a bake and a red sun;
And how the young man is shining in the sky and the month is bright,
He has a bright month in his mansions and young;
And how they bake in the sky and the stars are frequent,
And in his mansions they bake and frequent stars;
And how Sadko decorated his chambers for everyone.
And besides, how after that
And Sadko was gathering food before a feast was honorable,
And like all their merchants, the rich Novgorod ones,
And like all his gentlemen of Novgorod,
And how he is still his abbots and those of Novgorod;
And how were the abbots of Novgorod,
And Luka Zinoviev and Thomas and Nazariev too;
And how did he collect all the peasants of Novgorod,
And how Sadko led the dining - a rich feast was honored,
And top up like everyone else at Sadok's at an honest feast,
And how is everything with Sadok and napivalis,
And how is everything with Sadok now and naedalis,
And with boasting, all yes praised.
And who is bragging about what at the feast,
And who boasts of chim at the feast:
And another as bragging about an uncountable golden treasury,
And other brags like a good horse,
And another bragging about mighty heroic strength,
And another boast of a glorious fatherland,
And some boast of young and youthfulness;
And how clever reasonable how brags
Old father and old mother,
And the mad fool is bragging about
And his and his young wife.
And how, after all, he will take Sadko around the tents,
Is Sadko himself saying:
“Ah, you, merchants of Novgorod, you are rich,
Ay, all gentlemen of Novgorod,
Ay, all the abbots of Novgorod,
Guys like you and Novgorod!
And I like all of you at an honest feast,
And all of you are like drunk, cheerful,
And how did everyone drink at the feast,
And how is everyone at the feast and naedalis,
And you all praised your boasting.
And who is boasting with you now:
And another boast as a byword,
And you have other bragging rights and fables.
And how will I, Sadku, be boastful now?
And at me, at the Novgorod Sadok,
And my treasury does not grow thin with gold,
And my colored dress does not hold on to me,
And the good-looking druzhinushka does not change;
And so much for me, Sadka, would be welcome
And my uncountable gold treasury:
And on my own I can count the gold treasury,
And I will also buy back like all the goods of Novgorod,
And how bad are all the goods I, good,
And that there will not be more goods on sale in the city. "
And how did the abbots of Novgorod
And Thomas and Nazariev, after all,
And Luka and Zinoviev, after all,
And how did they get up and get up on their frisky legs?
And as they themselves said, yes, these are the words:
“Ah, you, Sadko, a rich merchant of Novgorod!
And what about a lot you beat with us about a great bet,
If you redeem the goods of Novgorod,
And all goods are bad, good,
So that there are no goods on sale in the cities? "
And Sadko speaks to them instead of these words:
“Oh, you, abbots of Novgorod!
And as much as I want, I will have enough to lay the countless gold treasury. "
And speaking the abbots instead of Novgorod:
“Oh, you, Sadko and Novgorod!
And even if you hit from us about thirty thousand. "
And Sadko hit about thirty, but in fact about thousands.
And how everything is traveling from an honest feast,
And how everything was sorted out from an honest feast,
And as in their homes, in their places.
And how he got up the next day in the morning and early,
And how did he wake up his smart druzhinushka,
And he gave how he and druzhinushki,
And how he loves the countless gold of the treasury;
And how he went down the shopping streets,
And how he walked straight in the living room row,
And how did he buy out the goods of Novgorod,
And all good goods are bad.
And it was like the next day
Sadko, a wealthy Novgorod merchant,
And how he woke up the smart druzhinushka,
And he gave, as a lover, countless gold of the treasury,
And how he walked straight into the living room,
And how many goods were brought here,
And how many goods are filled
And for that gloriously great Novgorod.
He bought more goods from Novgorod,
And all goods are bad, good.
And on the third day Sadko, a wealthy merchant from Novgorod, got up,
And he woke up like he and the smart druzhinushka,
And he gave how to love the druzhinushka
And how much countless gold treasury,
And how he disbanded the squad along the trading streets,
And how he himself walked straight into the living room,
And how is it here for the glory of the great Novgorod
And they arrived in time as goods from Moscow,
And how did the row fill up like a living room?
And expensive goods are also from Moscow.
And how did Sadko come to think about it:
“And how will I buy more goods from Moscow,
And for the glory of the great Novgorod,
And they will arrive in time as overseas goods:
And how, after all, just like me, Sadka,
And not to redeem as goods, after all
From all over the world.
And how better, if not I am richer,
Sadko is a merchant and a Novgorodian,
And how may the glorious New City be richer than me,
What I could not de ransom
And the goods of Novgorod,
So that there is no sale in the cities;
I'd rather give the money in thirty thousand,
Your great pledge! "
And I gave it as thirty thousand money,
Unlocked from the pledge of the great.
And then how he built thirty ships,
Thirty boats, thirty black ones,
And how did he dump the goods of Novgorod
And on the black ones on the boat,
And a rich Novgorod merchant went to trade
And as on their own on black boats.
And he went along the Volkhov,
And from Volkhov he is in Ladoga,
And from Ladoga I swam out into the Neva River,
And how I went from the Neva River to the blue sea.
And how he rode on the blue sea,
And how did he turn the Horde into the Gold.
And how did he sell goods there, but after all, from Novgorod,
And he received great profits now,
And how he poured the barrels, after all, you are forty
And also like red gold;
And he poured many barrels and pure silver,
And he also poured a lot of small barrels, he is a large skatnyago pearls.
And how then he went from behind the Golden Horde,
And how he drove toperichku again on the blue sea.
And how on the blue sea the ships stood and black,
And as a wave it hits and then tears the sails,
And the boats are black like a lomat,
And all the black boats will not come from their place.
And Sadko, a wealthy Novgorod merchant, spoke up,
And to his own he is a good-looking druzhina:
“Oh, you, good-looking squad!
And no matter how much we traveled by sea,
And we did not pay tribute to the king of the sea.
And now the tribute is required by the sea, the king in the blue sea. "
And here, too, says Sadko, a wealthy Novgorodian merchant:
“Oh, you, good-looking squad!
And like a barrel of forty red gold. "
And how is the squad here and the brave
And how they took a barrel of forty red gold,
And they threw a barrel in the blue sea.
And the rags are black and on the blue sea,
Everything will disappear from the place of the boat and on the blue sea.
And again Sadko, a wealthy merchant from Novgorod
And his as a brave druzhinushka:
“Oh, you, my druzhinushka, you are good-looking!
And you can see little of this tribute to the king of the sea in the blue sea:
And take that you, swords in the blue sea
And like another barrel of pure silver. "
And how is the good druzhinushka here
And they threw it like another barrel in the blue sea
And how pure and silver.
And how everything beats with a wave, then tears the sails,
And the lomat are black boats and on the blue sea,
And everything will not come from the place of the boat and on the blue sea.
And as Sadko, a wealthy merchant from Novgorod, spoke here,
And how is he a good-looking druzhinushka:
“Oh, you, good-looking squad!
And you can see, this is not enough like a tribute in the blue sea:
And take the third barrel and large, small pitched pearls,
And throw a barrel in the blue sea. "
And how is the brave squad here?
And how they took a barrel of large, small pitched pearls,
And they threw a barrel in the blue sea.
And like everything on the blue sea, there are black boats.
And then it hits the wave, then tears the sails,
And how all the lomat are black boats,
And everything from the place will not come and the black boats.
And as Sadko said here, a wealthy merchant from Novgorod
And as a druzhinushka he is a courageous man:
“Oh, you, dear as a druzhinushka and a good-looking!
And it can be seen that the sea king is required as a living head in our blue sea.
Aye, you brave squad!
And take tko, so how do you
And yes, the colts and the volzhans for themselves;
And like everyone else, you write your names on the lot,
And let go of the colts on the blue sea;
And I will make myself the same lot for red and then for gold.
And how will we lower the lot now on the blue sea:
And what about whose lot do we have so it sinks to the bottom,
And then go like ours in the blue sea. "
And everything is like a brave squad
And the colts also float like gogol,
And the merchant's Sadok, a rich guest, and the key to the bottom.
Ai says to Sadko these are the words:
“And how these colts are wrong;
And you do the same as for red and gold,
And I will make the lot and the oak.
And how do you write all your names and on the lot,
And let go of the colts on the blue sea:
And how whose lot do we have to go to the bottom,
And how can we walk in the blue sea. "
And how is the whole druzhinushka chubby
And they lowered the lot on the blue sea,
And all like a druzhinushka a good-looking
And how all the colts, like now, are swimming like a gogol,
And Sadkov is like a lot, but now the key to the bottom.
And again Sadko spoke, yes these are the words:
“And how these colts are wrong.
Aye, you brave squad!
And how do you do like oak colts,
And how will I make the lot of fake,
And how are we going to write the names all on the lot,
And how will we lower the lot on the blue sea,
And now, as in the rest:
How whose lot will go to the bottom,
And how to walk with us in the blue sea. "
And how is the whole squad brave
And how did all the oak colts,
And he did it like a fake for himself,
And how did everyone write their names on the lot,
And they lowered the lot on the blue sea.
And the whole squad is good-looking
And the colts are now swimming with a gogol and on the blue sea,
And Sadok, a wealthy merchant from Novgorod, has a key to the bottom.
And as Sadko spoke here, these are the words:
“And as you can see, Sadk has nothing to do now,
And Sadok himself is demanded by the king of the sea and in the blue sea.
Oh, you, my druzhinushka, yes, good-looking, dear!
And take what you are, bear what
And mine is like an inkwell,
And carry it like a swan's feather,
And also bring you the papers, put your stamp on me. "
And how is it like a druzhinushka, after all, is a good-looking
And they carried him like an inkwell and a wallow,
And they carried it like a swan's feather,
And they carried it like a sheet of paper as a stamp.
And how is Sadko, a rich Novgorod merchant,
And he sat on a belted chair
And besides, he goes to the oak table,
And how he began to write down his name:
And how he wrote down the names of God's churches,
And how much he wrote off the property of the poor brethren,
And as another name he wrote off and a young wife,
And he was a good-looking squad as well.
And how he himself then cried,
He spoke like a good-looking druzhina:
“Oh, you, good-natured and dear squad!
And put you an oak board on the blue sea,
And why should I fall, Sadku, me on the board,
Not how scared I am to accept death in the blue sea. "
And how else did he take with him his goslings,
And he wept bitterly, he said goodbye to the good-looking druzhinushka,
And now he said goodbye to everything and to the white light,
And how did he say goodbye now
And with his he is with the New with the city.
And then he fell on a board on an oak one,
And it carried like Sadok to the boards and across the blue sea.
And how did the black boats run here,
And as if the black crows flew,
And how was Sadko now left on the blue sea.
And how, after all, out of fear of the great
And Sadko fell asleep on that plank on the oak tree.
But how did Sadko wake up, a wealthy Novgorod merchant,
And in Okiyan Mori, yes, on the days itself,
And I saw - the red sun was baking through the water,
And how did she find herself near the white-chaired ward?
And he went into the white-channeled ward as he did:
And now he sits like in tents
And as the king of the sea now on the chair, after all.
And the king of the sea says these are the words:
“And how hello, rich merchant,
Sadko and Novgorod!
And no matter how much you traveled by sea,
And as the king of the sea did not cry tribute in the blue sea,
And now he himself has come to me all in gifts.
Ah, they will say that you are a master at playing harp at yarovchaty:
And play with me like a gusli in yarovchaty. "
And how does Sadko see that there is nothing to do in the blue sea:
He is compelled to play like a harp in springtime.
And how he began to play Sadko like a harp in a spring,
And how the king of the sea began to dance now in the blue sea,
And from him skolebalose all the blue sea,
And the wave was converging and on the blue sea,
And how he began to break many black boats and on the blue sea,
And how many people began to drown in the blue sea
And how much the property began to run and in the blue sea,
And how many people are kind now on the blue sea,
And how many people are Orthodox
From desire, how they pray to Nikola and Mozhaisky,
And so that Nicholas would bring their saint out of the blue sea.
And how did Sadka of Novgorodsky scratch on the shoulder and on the right
And how Sadko, a wealthy Novgorod merchant, turned around -
And he stands like an old man and back, and as white, gray-haired,
And as the old man said, these are the words:
"And how full are they to play, Sadko, in the harp in the yarovchats in the blue sea!"
And Sadko says, as in place, these are the words:
“And besides, I have no will of my own, but in the blue sea,
The king of the sea will make me play. "
And again the old man spoke in place of these words:
“And how are you, Sadko, a rich Novgorod merchant!
And how do you pluck the strings,
Lose pins like pins,
And how do you tell the sea king now:
And I didn’t have any strings,
I didn’t fit pins and needles,
And there is nothing more to play with me.
And he will tell you like the king of the sea:
“And wouldn't you please, Sadko, to get married
in a blue mori And on a darling like a red girl? "
And how do you tell him, yes, in the blue sea,
And say: the king of the sea, as your will trample in the blue sea,
And how do you know, then do it.
And how will he tell you yes to the top of the list:
“And in the morning you get ready too,
And Sadko, a wealthy Novgorod merchant,
And choose, as he says, you are a maiden for your mind, for your reason. "
So you look, you skip the flock of the first three hundred girls,
And you let the other three hundred girls pass the flock,
And as the third three hundred maidens you miss the flock,
And in that herd at the end of the rest
And she walks like a beautiful maiden,
And by the last name as Chernava then:
So you take this Chernava into marriage,
And then you, Sadko, may you be happy.
And how will you go to bed on the first night after all,
And look, do not do, there is no fornication
With that girl with Chernava.
How do you wake up here in the blue sea,
So you will be in Nové grad on a steep ridge,
And about that river about Chernavu that.
And if you do it like fornication in the blue sea,
So you will stay forever in the blue sea.
And when you’re in holy Russia,
Yes, in yours, yes, you are in the city,
And then you will build a cathedral church
Yes Nikola and Mozhaisky,
And how I am Nikola Mozhaiskiy. "
And how did the old man and the sedates get lost here?
Ay, how is Sadko, a rich Novgorod merchant, in a blue sea,
And like the strings he pulled,
I broke the pins of the geese,
But he didn’t play the harp anymore in the yar-chats.
And he stood like the king of the sea,
He did not begin to dance in the blue mori,
And as the king himself said, these are the words:
“Why don't you play, Sadko, a rich Novgorod merchant,
And in the harp, after all, in the yarovchats? "
And Sadko said these words:
"And also top the strings as I pulled,
I broke the pins,
And I have nothing more to do with myself, ”
And as the king of the sea said:
“Would you like to marry, Sadko, in the blue sea,
And how is it on the red darling and on the girl? "
And how he spoke to him instead:
"And now, like your beast, above me in the blue sea."
And as the king of the sea said here:
“Ah, you, Sadko, a rich Novgorod merchant!
And in the morning, choose for yourself a girl and a beauty
In my own mind but in my mind. "
And how did it come to the early morning after all,
And how did Sadko, a wealthy Novgorod merchant, become
And how he went to choose a beautiful girl for himself,
And he will look, he is already like the king of the sea.
And how three hundred maidens led them past them, after all,
And he missed the first three hundred girls and the flock,
And he missed the other three hundred girls and the flock,
And the third he missed three hundred girls and the flock.
And he will look, a beautiful maiden is walking behind,
And by the last name what is the name of Chernava.
And he loved that Chernava, took for himself in marriage
And as the king of the sea spoke here, these are the words:
"And how did you know how to get married, Sadko, in the blue sea."
And now, how has their dining room gone and how honorable is the feast in the blue sea,
And how was their dining and feast honored,
And how did Sadko go to bed here, a wealthy Novgorod merchant,
And in a blue mori he is with a girl with a beauty,
And in the bedroom he is so warm;
And he did not commit any fornication with her, but fell asleep in a strong sleep.
And how he woke up, Sadko, a wealthy Novgorod merchant,
Azhno found himself Sadko in his own town,
About the river about Chernavu on a steep ridge.
And how I saw - they were running along the Volkhov
And your own yes black boats,
But how is the druzhinushka like a brave
And they remember Sadok in the blue sea,
And Sadka, a rich merchant, and his wife
And Sadok is commemorated with his troop.
And how did the druzhina see here,
What is Sadko on a steep ridge and about Volkhovo,
And how is the druzhinushka all that freaked out,
And how did that miracle do it,
That we left Sadka and on the blue sea,
And Sadko is ahead of us and in his own town.
And how did he meet Sadko's good-looking druzhinushka,
All black boats are here.
And how did they say hello now,
Let's go to the chambers of Sadok, a rich merchant.
And how he greeted his young wife to the top of the river.
And now how is he after that
And he unloaded from the boat
And as all his yes he is a property,
And as he rolled out all his treasury and uncountable gold,
And now, as on his own, he has an uncountable treasury of gold
And how he made the cathedral church of St. Nicholas and Mozhaisky,
And how another church made the Most Holy Theotokos.
And besides, how can it be that after that
And how he began to pray to the Lord God,
And about his sins, yes, he will say goodbye.
And how didn’t he start to go out on the blue sea,
And how he began to live in his and he in the city.
And now, how, yes, after this And and so and to all, yes, glory is being sung.

Fairy tale.]

Lived in Novgorod Sadko. He was a guslar, he went to merry feasts, he entertained rich people with his skillful game, and so he lived. Feasts were frequent in the rich commercial Novgorod. But it happened once: a day comes, another, a third - they do not invite Sadko to an honest feast.

Sadko. Educational filmstrip

Sadko missed him, he went to Lake Ilmen, sat down on a coastal stone and began to play on his gosilki. Suddenly the water in the lake shook; the king of the sea came out of the water and said: “Ah, Sadko Novgorodsky, I don’t know how to welcome you for your great pleasures, for your tender play. Go to Novgorod and make a bet, lay your head on your wild boar, and unload the shops of red goods from the merchants and argue that there are gold-fish feathers in Lake Ilmen. As you can bet, go and tie a silk net and come fishing in Lake Ilmen. I will give you three gold fish feathers; then you, Sadko, will be happy. "

Sadko did as the sea king ordered him. They called Sadko to an honest feast. He amused the guests with his skillful game, the guests amused themselves with alcoholic wine. Here he began to boast that he knew a wonderful miracle in Lake Ilmen, that there are gold-fish feathers in the lake. The merchants argued that there could not be such an outlandish fish in the lake. Then he suggested that Sadko wager. “I’ll lay my head on my own,” he says to the merchants, “and you lay down the shops of red goods.”

There were three merchants - they struck a bet. They tied a silk net and went to fish on Lake Ilmen. They threw in a seine - and got a gold fish, feathers, the second time they threw in - they got a second gold fish, feathers, threw a third seine - they got a third goldfinch.

There is nothing to do - the merchants gave Sadko their shops of red goods. From that time he began to trade, began to receive good profits; he made a great estate, built white-stone chambers for himself, he himself began to set feasts for glory.

Once he invited guests to his feast - the abbots of Novgorod. Everyone ate at the feast, everyone drank at the feast, everyone boasted of boasting: some boast of an uncountable golden treasury, some boast of a valiant strength, some a good horse, some a glorious fatherland, some young youth. And Sadko keeps silent about everything.

The guests began to say here: "Why doesn't our Sadko boast of anything?" He says in response: “What can I brag about? Doesn't my treasury run out of gold, does not wear a dress in color, the brave squad does not change. And to boast is not to boast of an innumerable gold treasury: with my gold treasury I will buy up all Novgorod goods, bad goods and good! "

Before he had time to utter a word, the Novgorod abbots struck with him a great pledge - thirty thousand, that he would not redeem all the goods of Novgorod.

The next day Sadko got up early in the morning, woke up his fellows, gave them the gold treasury without counting, sent them around all the shopping streets, and he himself went to the living room. And they bought up all the goods. But on the second day - doubly goods were brought in in shops and rows, doubly goods were brought in for the glory of Novgorod the Great. Sadko bought up all the goods again. On the third day, he again goes out with his squad to buy goods - triple goods have been brought in, triple stocked; Moscow goods also arrived.

The rich Sadko was pondering here - he boasted too much, apparently. “I cannot redeem goods from all over the world,” he says. I am not, apparently, the rich Novgorod merchant - richer than me is glorious Novgorod! " And Sadok had to pay the mortgage.

He built thirty ships, loaded them with Novgorod goods; I sold them overseas, received great profits, poured barrels of red gold, pure silver. Sadko goes back to Novgorod. But suddenly a wonderful miracle happened on the sea. A terrible storm arose, "it hits like a wave, tears the sails, breaks scarlet ships, and the ships do not leave their place."

“For a century we traveled by sea,” says Sadko, “but the tribute to the sea king was not paid: apparently, the sea king was demanding tribute from us." He orders Sadko to throw a barrel of pure silver into the sea, and the storm does not subside, and all the ships will not leave their place. Throwing a barrel of red gold - it does not help either. "Apparently, the king of the sea demands a living head in the blue sea!" - says Sadko. Twice the shipmen draw lots for who should go to the blue sea. Both times the lot indicates Sadko himself.

He obeys his fate. He writes a spiritual testament: part of the estate is assigned to the churches of God, part to the poor brethren, part to his young wife, and the rest to his brave retinue. He takes his geese with him. "Throw," he says, "an oak board into the water: death will not be so terrible for me."

Sadko remained on the blue sea, and the ships flew like black crows, flew to Novgorod the Great. Sadko fell asleep on an oak board, and woke up in the blue sea, at the very bottom. He saw a white-stone chamber at the bottom, went into the chamber, saw - the king of the sea was sitting there. “Ah, you, Sadko merchant, a rich guest! - says the king of the sea. - For a century you traveled on the sea, I, the king, did not pay tribute, but now he himself came to me as a present. Play me your little goslings. "

Sadko began to play. How the king of the sea danced here! Sadko played for a day, played others, played the third, and the king of the sea is dancing all the time! In the blue sea, the water shook, embarrassed with yellow sand, began to break many ships in the blue sea, many good things began to perish, many righteous people were drowning. People in Novgorod began to pray to Nikolai Mozhaisky.

Sadko. Artist I. Repin, 1876

Suddenly he hears Sadko - someone touched him on the right shoulder, and he hears a voice: "Enough for you, Sadko, to play with goslings!" He turned around and saw: an old gray-haired man was standing. Sadko says to him: "I have no will of my own in the blue sea - I have been ordered to play." The old man answers him: “And you pluck out the strings, poke out the pins, tell me: my strings did not happen, and the pins were not useful, the guslets were broken - there is nothing else to play. When the king proposes to you to marry, choose the girl Chernavushka. And when you are in Novgorod, build a church for Nikolai Mozhaisky with your countless gold treasury.

He listened to Sadko, did everything as the elder ordered. He married among the seabed to the girl Chernavushka. The sea king had a canteen - an honest feast. Sadko fell asleep on the blue sea, and woke up in Novgorod, on the steep bank of the Chernava River.

He looks - his ships are running along the Volkhov. He meets his squad. The squad marvels: "Sadko remained in the blue sea, he found himself in front of us in Novgorod!" As Sadko unloaded his countless gold treasury from the ships, he built a cathedral church for Nikola Mozhaisky.

And Sadko did not go to the blue sea anymore, he began to live for himself in Novgorod.

The epic “Sadko” is considered the most ancient example of the Russian folk epic that has survived to this day. The work belongs to the Novgorod cycle of epics, telling about the way of life, life and beliefs of the inhabitants of Veliky Novgorod. The central character of the epic is the guslar Sadko, who, thanks to his luck and enterprise, becomes a respected person in Novgorod.

main characters

Guslyar Sadko- was a poor musician playing at feasts, but took the advice of the sea king, became a successful merchant, and then one of the richest people in Novgorod.

Other heroes

Mikola Mozhaisky (Nicholas the Wonderworker)- a gray-haired old man who helped Sadko to get out of the captivity of the sea king.

Sea king - ruler of the underwater world, helped Sadko win a dispute with Novgorod merchants and get three shops with goods.

In Novgorod there lived a gusli Sadko, who had nothing but spring gusli. He was engaged in playing music at feasts, entertaining merchants and boyars. But suddenly they stopped calling him to the feasts - they don't call for a day, the second, the third. Sadko, upset, comes to Lake Ilmen, sits on the "white fuel" and plays the harp until the evening. Late in the evening, the hero notices that "the water in the lake has shaken up" and, frightened, returns to the city.

However, for the next three days, no one invited the guslar again to feasts, he again went to the lake and, again frightened by the waves on the water, returned to the city. When the hero came to Lake Ilmen for the third time, the sea king suddenly appeared from the lake.

The ruler decided to thank the hero for his “great joys” and “gentle play”, and told the guslar to go to Novgorod and argue with the merchants that “fish - gold feathers” are found in Lake Ilmen. On the advice of the sea tsar, Sadko had to lay his “wild head” in the dispute, and ask the merchants for “the shop of red goods”. The sea king himself will give him three gold fish for this business.

As soon as the guslar returned to Novgorod, they called him to a feast. In the midst of the fun, the drunken Sadko began to boast to the merchants that he knew the "miraculous" - there is "fish - gold feathers" in Lake Ilmen. The merchants did not believe the guslar, and then he invited the merchants, as the sea king advised, to argue. Immediately "they tied a silk net and went to fish in Lake Ilmen." Three times they threw a "drowning" into the lake and caught three fish with "golden feathers". The merchants recognized Sadko's victory in the dispute and gave him three shops with goods.

So the guslar became a Novgorod merchant, began to trade in Novgorod and other cities, quickly became rich, "built the chambers of the white men", in which he "did everything in heavenly fashion."

He summoned Sadko to his place of rich merchants, abbots and peasants for a rich feast. Satisfied, the guests began to boast about what: gold, horses, fatherland, strength and luck, smart - parents, crazy - young wife. We also decided to ask Sadko why everyone is boasting, but he is not. The merchant replied:

"What can I, Sadku, boast about?"
“And to boast is not to boast of an innumerable golden treasury:
On my countless gold treasury
I will buy new Novgorod goods,
Good and thin goods! "

Before Sadko had time to finish, the abbots, outraged by his self-confidence, decided to argue with the merchant for thirty thousand that he would not be able to do this.

Early in the morning Sadko ordered his squad to buy out all the goods in the city - "bad and kind". But the next day the merchant discovered that the shops in Novgorod were again full - during the night they brought in twice as much goods. And again Sadko ordered to redeem everything. On the third day, a merchant came to the "shopping streets" and found that the goods had tripled - "Moscow goods arrived." Sadko pondered that if he buys these back, soon they will still bring overseas - "not to buy goods from all over the world." Deciding that it would be wiser, the merchant gave the rectors the betted thirty thousand.

Sadko built thirty black ships “for countless gold treasury” and, having loaded them with Novgorod goods, sailed through Volkhov, Ladoga and Neva, and then across the blue sea to the Golden Horde. The trade was profitable, and he returned with forty barrels filled with red gold and pure silver.

However, on the way home, the ships fall into a severe storm:

“And it beats with a wave, tears the sails,
Breaks blackened boats;
And the ships do not leave their place on the blue sea. "

Sadko realized that it was the king of the sea who was demanding tribute, because they traveled on the sea for a long time, but they did not pay him anything. By order of the merchant, they threw a "barrel of pure silver" into the sea, but nothing changed. Lowered into the sea still "a barrel-forty red gold", but the ships continued to stand still.

It became clear to Sadko that the sea king was demanding a "living head." Twice the merchant and his retinue threw lots into the sea with their names written on them, and both times the people “float with a gogol on the water”, and Sadko’s “with the key to the bottom”.

The hero understood that the king of the sea “demands” him. The merchant quickly drew up a will, in which he remembered both the churches, and the "beggar brethren", and the young wife, and the "brave squad." Saying goodbye, he asked Sadko to give him a psaltery and an oak board, so that it would not be so scary "to accept death in the blue sea." As soon as the merchant was lowered into the water, so immediately the ships sailed, "flew like black crows."

Remaining in the sea, Sadko soon fell asleep and woke up when he found himself at the very bottom. In the white-stone palace, the hero meets the king of the sea, and he asks him to play the harp. As soon as Sadko began to play, the sea king began to dance. The guslar plays for three days - the sea king dances for three days. And at this time a terrible storm began at sea - many ships crashed and people died.

The people prayed to Mikola Mozhaisky (Nicholas the Wonderworker) to save them from the elements. The saint in the guise of a gray-haired old man came to Sadko and touched his right shoulder, asking him to stop playing. The guslar replied to Mikole that he was a bondage at sea and was carrying out the orders of the sea king. The old man advised Sadko to “pick the strings” and “break the pins”, telling the sea king that he didn’t have any other strings or pins, so he could no longer play.

In addition, the old man said that the sea king would offer Sadko to marry a red girl and the guslar must agree. In the morning, the Sea Tsar will show him the brides, and if the merchant wants to return home, he needs to skip the first three hundred and three hundred second girls, and choose the last one in the third hundred - Chernavushka. And in order to thank the elder for his help, Sadko will have to build the cathedral church of Mikola Mozhaisky upon his arrival home.

Sadko did everything as the elder advised him. After the wedding feast, the merchant immediately fell asleep and woke up already in Novgorod - by the river Chernava "on a steep ridge." Sadko saw that his ships were sailing along the Volkhov. Finding the merchant safe and sound, people could not believe their eyes. The merchant greeted his retinue, and then, going into the chambers, and with his young wife.

Having unloaded all his riches from the ships, Sadko built a "cathedral church for Mikole Mozhaisky."

“Sadko didn’t go to the blue sea anymore,
Sadko began to live in Novo-grad. "


The epic “Sadko” is the only work of the Russian epic, in which the main character not only goes to another country, but also ends up in another, other world - in the possession of the sea king. This detail brings the epic closer to the fabulous folk tradition, while the merchant life of Novgorod is depicted with significant historical accuracy. That is why the style of the work is twofold and combines both fabulous and vividly realistic elements.

Epic Test

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In glorious Nové grad
As a merchant Sadko, a rich guest.
And before, Sadok had no property:
Some were spring goose;
Sadko walked and played on the feasts.

Sadka day is not called for a feast of honors,

Sadko missed that.
Sat on a white-combustible stone

It was then that Sadko got overwhelmed,

Another is not invited to a feast of honor
And the third is not invited to an honorable feast,
Sadko missed that.
How Sadko went to Lake Ilmen,
Sat on a white-combustible stone
And he began to play yarchat gusli.
As soon as the water shook in the lake,
It was then that Sadko got overwhelmed,
I went away from the lake to my own Novgorod.

Sadka day is not called for an honorable feast,
Another is not invited to a feast of honor
And the third is not invited to an honorable feast,
Sadko missed that.
How Sadko went to Lake Ilmen,
Sat on a white-combustible stone
And he began to play yarchat gusli.
As soon as the water shook in the lake,
The king of the sea appeared,
I left Ilmeni from the lake,
He himself spoke these words:
- Oh, you, Sadho Novgorod!
I don’t know what will you welcome
For yours, for the great joys,
For your tender play:
Al countless gold treasury?
Otherwise go to Novgorod
And hit the big bet
Lay down your riot head
And unload from other merchants
Red goods stalls
And argue that in Lake Ilmen
There is a fish - gold feathers.
As you hit the big bet
And go and tie a silk seine
And come fishing in Lake Ilmen:
I'll give you three fish - feathers of gold.
Then you, Sadko, will be happy!
Sadko went from Ilmen from the lake,
How Sadko came to his Novgorod,
They summoned Sadok to an honorable feast.
How is Sadko Novgorodsky
He began to play in the spring-chanted guseries;
How did Sadka begin to drink,
They began to wear Sadka,
Then Sadko began to boast:
As I know the miraculous in Lake Ilmen:
And there is a fish - gold feathers in Lake Ilmen!

How is it that the merchants of Novgorod
These are the words they say to him:
- You do not know a miracle, a wonderful,
There can be no fish in the Ilmen Lake - feathers of gold.

Oh, you, merchants of Novgorod!
What are you betting with me about a great bet?
Let's hit the big bet:
I'll lay my riotous head
And you fill the shops with red goods.
Three merchants threw themselves out,
We have laid three shops for red goods,
How did they tie a silk net
And we went fishing in Lake Ilmen.
They threw a tonka into Ilmen Lake,
We got a fish - gold feathers;
They threw another little thing into Ilmen Lake,
They got another fish - gold feathers;
The third was thrown into Ilmen Lake,
They got the third fish - gold feathers.
Here are the merchants of Novgorod
We gave away three shops of red goods.

Sadko began to trade,
He began to receive great profits.
In their white-stone chambers
Sadko arranged everything in a heavenly way:
The sun is in the sky - and the sun is in the chambers,
There is a month in heaven - and a month in the wards,
There are stars in the sky, and stars in the chambers.

Then Sadko the merchant, a rich guest,
I invited to my place for a feast
You guys from Novgorod
And your abbots of Novgorod:
Thomas Nazarev and Luka Zinoviev.

Everyone ate at the feast,
Everyone at the feast got drunk
All boasted of boasting.
Others boast of countless golden treasuries,
Another boasts a good fortune,
Who brags about a good horse,
Who boasts a glorious middle name.
A glorious patronymic, young youth,
The clever brags about the old priest,
The mad man brags about his young wife.

The abbots of Novgorod say:
- We all ate at the feast,
Everybody got drunk on the honorable one,
All boasted of boasting.
What, then, does Sadko have nothing to boast about?
That Sadko does not boast of anything in our country?
- And what can I, Sadku, brag about,
What can I, Sadku, boast about?
My treasury doesn’t run out of gold,
Colored dress is not worn,
The horobra squad does not change.
And to boast is not to boast of an uncountable golden treasury:
I will buy new Novgorod goods,
Thin goods and good!

Before he had time to utter a word,
As abbots of Novogorodsk
Hit the big bet
About countless golden treasury,
About thirty thousand money:
How to buy back Sadok new town goods,
Thin goods and good,
So that in Novo-grad there were no more goods on sale.
Sadko set up early the next day,
I woke up my squad Good,

And he himself went straight to the living room,
How he bought the goods of Novgorod,
Thin goods and good,

The next day, Sadko became early,
I woke up my brave squad,
I gave a gold treasury without counting
And he disbanded the squad along the trading streets,
Doubly goods were brought,
Doubly goods filled
To the glory of the great Novgorodskaya.
I bought new Novgorod goods again,
Thin goods and good,
On my treasury of countless gold.

On the third day, Sadko became early,
I woke up my brave squad,
I gave a gold treasury without counting
And he disbanded the squad along the trading streets,
And he himself went straight to the living room:
Triple goods were brought,
Triple goods filled,
Moscow goods arrived
To the great glory of Novgorodskaya.

How did Sadko think about it:
"Do not redeem goods from all over the world:
I will also buy Moscow goods,
Overseas goods will arrive in time.
Not me, apparently, the merchant is rich in Novgorod -
Glorious Novgorod is richer than me. "
He gave the abbots of Novgorod
He has thirty thousand money.

On my countless gold treasury
Sadko built thirty ships,
Thirty ships, thirty black;
On those on ships on blackened
Dumped Novgorod goods,
Sadko drove along the Volkhov,
From Volkhov to Ladoga,
And from Ladozhsk to the Neva River,
And from the Neva River in the blue sea.
As he rode across the blue sea,
He turned the Horde into the Gold,
I sold Novgorod goods,
Received great profits,
I poured forty barrels of red gold, pure silver,
Traveled back to Novgorod
He rode on the blue sea.

The weather was strong on the blue sea,
The ships on the blue sea have stalled:
Breaks blackened boats;

Says Sadko the merchant, a rich guest,
To your squad, to the brave ones:
- Oh, you good druzhinushka!
How we rode the sea for centuries,
But tribute was not paid to the king of the sea:
Apparently, the king of the sea demands tribute from us,
Requires tribute in the blue sea.
Ai, brothers, a brave squad!
Take a forty barrel pure silver,
Lower the barrel in the blue sea, -
His brave squad
I took a barrel of pure silver,
Launching a barrel in the blue sea;
And it beats with a wave, tears the sails,
Breaks blackened ships
And the ships do not leave their place on the blue sea.

Here his squad is brave
I took a barrel-forty red gold,
Launched a barrel in the blue sea:
And it beats with a wave, tears the sails,
Breaks blackened ships
And the ships still do not leave their place on the blue sea.
Sadko the merchant, a rich guest, says:
- Apparently, the king of the sea requires
Living heads in the blue sea.
Do, brothers, the foals of the Volzhans,
I'll do it myself in red on gold,
Sign all your names,
Lose lots on the blue sea:
Whose lot will go to the bottom,
Such a walk in the blue sea.

The Volzhans made their lot,
And Sadko himself did on red on gold,
Everyone signed their name,
Losing lots on the blue sea.
Like the whole squad is brave
The lot of the gogol float on the water,
Sadko the merchant, a rich guest, says:
These lots are wrong:
Make lots on red on gold,
And I will make a wolf's lot.
They made lots on red on gold,
And Sadko himself was making a lot of wolves.
Everyone signed their name,
Losing lots on the blue sea:
Like the whole squad is brave
The lot of the gogol float over the zoda,
And with Sadok the merchant - the key to the bottom.

Sadko the merchant, a rich guest, says:
- Ay, brothers, a brave squad!
Apparently the king of the sea demands
Sadok the richest in the blue sea.
Carry my imposing ink,
Swan feather, heraldic sheet of paper.

They brought him an imposing ink,
Swan feather, heraldic sheet of paper,
He began to write off the property:
Which property he wrote off to the churches of God,
Another property of the poor brethren,
A different property for a young wife,
The rest of the estate to the good-looking squad.

Sadko the merchant, a rich guest, spoke:
- Ay, brothers, a brave squad!
Give me the young guseries,
Play the rest for me:
Don't play the gusellas anymore.
Ali take my psaltery with me in the blue sea?

He takes the spring goose,
He himself says these are the words:
- Dump the oak plank into the water:
Even though I fall onto an oak plank
I'm not so scared to accept death in the blue sea.
Dumped an oak plank into the water,
Then the ships rode on the blue sea,
They flew like black crows.

Sadko remained on the blue sea.
From the passion of the great
I fell asleep on an oak plank.
Sadko woke up in the blue sea,
In the blue sea at the very bottom
I saw the red sun shimmering through the water,
Evening dawn, morning dawn.
Saw Sadko: in the blue sea
There is a white-stone chamber.
Sadko went into the white chamber:
The king of the sea is sitting in the chamber,
The king's head is like a heap of hay.
The king says these are the words:
- Oh, you, Sadko-merchant, a rich guest!
For ages you, Sadko, rode the sea,
I, the king, did not pay tribute,
And all nonh came to me in gifts.
They will say that they are a master of playing the gusels in the spring;
Play me the spring goose.

How Sadko began to play in the spring goose,
As the king of the sea began to dance in the blue sea,
How the king of the sea danced.
Sadko played for a day, played and others
Yes, Sadko played and the third -
And all the king of the sea dances in the blue sea.
In the blue sea the water shook
With yellow sand the water was confused,
Many ships began to crash on the blue sea,
Many people of the estate began to perish,
Many righteous people began to drown.

How the people began to pray to Mikola Mozhaisky,
As he touched Sadok on the right shoulder:
- Oh, you, Sadko Novgorodsky!
Play full of gusselyki Yarovchaty! -
He turned around and looked at the Novgorodskiy Sadko:
There is also a gray old man standing.
Sadko Novgorodsky spoke:
- I have no will of my own in the blue sea,
Ordered to play in the gossels yarchaty.

The old man says these are the words:
- And you pluck the strings,
And you poke out the pins,
Say: "I didn't have any strings,
And the pins were not useful,
There's nothing else to play
The young guseries have broken down. "
The king of the sea will tell you:
"Would you like to marry in the blue sea
On a sweetheart on a red girl? "
Say these words to him:
"I have no will of my own in the blue sea."
Again the king of the sea will say:
"Well, Sadko, get up early in the morning,
Choose yourself a beautiful girl. "
How will you choose a beautiful girl
So skip the first three hundred girls,
And let the other three hundred girls pass,
And the third, let the three hundred girls pass;
Behind there is a beautiful maiden
Beautiful maiden Chernavushka,
Take that Chernava to marry yourself ...
You will, Sadko, in Novye Grad.
And on my countless gold treasury
Build a cathedral church for Mikole Mozhaisky.

Sadko pulled out the strings in the gussels,
The pins in the spring-leaved ones broke off.
The king of the sea says to him:
- Oh, you, Sadko Novgorodsky!
Why don’t you play in the spring goose?
- My strings in the dusters pulled out,
And the little pins in the spring-leaved ones have fallen out,
And there were no spare strings,
And the pins were not useful.

The king says these are the words:
- Would you like to get married in the blue sea
On a sweetheart on a red girl? -
Sadko from Novgorod says to him:
- I have no will of my own in the blue sea.
Again the king of the sea says:
- Well, Sadko, get up early in the morning,
Choose yourself a beautiful maiden.
Sadko got up early in the morning,
He will look: there are three hundred red girls.
He missed the first three hundred girls,
And I missed three hundred other girls,
And he missed the third three hundred girls;
Behind there was a beautiful maiden,
Beautiful maiden Chernavushka,
He took the same Chernava to marry himself.

How was their dining, an honorable feast
How Sadko went to bed on the first night,
How Sadko woke up in Novégrad,
On the river Chernava on a steep ridge,
As soon as he looks, they run
His blackened ships along the Volkhov
The wife of Sadok commemorates her with a retinue in the blue sea:
- Don't be Sadok from the blue sea! -
And the squad remembers one Sadok:

And Sadko stands on a steep ridge,
Meets his squad from Volkhov
Then his squad chewed up:
- Sadko remained in the blue sea!
I found myself ahead of us in Novye grad,
He meets the squad from Volkhov!
I met Sadko a good squad
And he led into the chambers of the white men.
Here his wife rejoiced,
She took Sadka by the white hands,
She kissed sugar lips.

Sadko began to unload from blackened ships
Imenyitsa - treasury innumerable to gold.
As unloaded from blackened ships,
He built the cathedral church for Mikole Mozhaisky.

Sadko did not go to the blue sea anymore,
Sadko began to live in Novo-grad.

  • Sergey Savenkov

    some kind of "scanty" review ... as if in a hurry somewhere